
29 August 2012

Dubai Clinical Services Capacity Plan, 2020

Reference: CIR-2012-SHN0031

Circular: 17/2012

We are pleased to inform you that Dubai Health Authority is in the process of setting “Dubai Clinical Services Capacity Plan, 2020”. As you know, the first step in this process is to collect detailed information on all the current healthcare facilities in Dubai followed by identification of gaps and plans accordingly.
Therefore, Dubai Health Authority has appointed TAHPI Company, which will be gathering this information on its behalf through site visits and telephone calls (depending on the size of the facility), using the survey forms prepared by DHA, for the period September 2nd to October 25th, 2012.
As an important healthcare provider in Dubai, kindly nominate one knowledgeable staff member to help TAHPI interviewers to fill the required forms for your facility. Please make sure that the staff member be freed for sufficient amount of time for the interview on the day to be agreed to later.
It should be clear that this is not a quality audit on one hand, and that the survey form should be filled entirely and precisely on the other. The very limited financial data requested will be used to calculate healthcare expenditure in Dubai as a whole and all information gathered will be dealt with high confidentiality.
For any inquiries kindly contact Dr. Meenu Soni, Health Policy and Planning Specialist, on Tel: 04-219 4069 and Email:
We look forward to your full cooperation in planning the future of healthcare services in Dubai.

Thanks and best regards,