
02 October 2012

Product Usage Warning - Intestinomicina Manufactured By Laboratorios Lopez In El Salvador

Reference: CIR-2012-SHN0038

Circular 21/2012:

Based on the circular from Ministry of Health, it has been decided to discontinue the use of the following products due to their risks and side effects:
Product Name 1. Intestinomicina Manufactured by Laboratorios Lopez in El Salvador

Therefore, the Department of Registration and Drug Control recommends healthcare professionals to practice caution when dispensing the prescription of the medications mentioned above and to follow-up with patients if any side effects have happened.

In case of any query, kindly contact the Department of Registration and Drug Control on: Telephone: 02/6117391 – 02/6117642 Email:

Note: Kindly view the attached document and abide by the rules and regulations stipulated.تحذير%20من%20إستخدام%20منتج.pdf Your cooperation is highly appreciated