
14 March 2016

External Circular #(65)Caveat Note On The Falsified Amaril “Yellow Fever Vaccines”

Reference: CIR-2016-SHN0655

To: All private pharmacies in Dubai

Stemmed from public health and community safety, MOH and Prevention would like to draw your attention to the handling of a counterfeit product of Amaril Vaccine manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur and used for Yellow Feverdjfldj

So please refer to the attached circular received from MOH and Prevention in this regard.


For your kind attention and action

Your co-operation in this is highly appreciated.

Dr. Layla Mohd AlMarzouqi

د. ليلى محمد المرزوقي

Director- Health Regulation Department

مدير إدارة التنظيم الصحي

Dubai Health Authority

هيئة الصحة بدبي

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