
14 April 2016

Ministerial Decree # 1122 On Classification, Prescribing And Dispensing Of

Reference: CIR-2016-SHN0662

To: All Health Care Facilities -private Sector

First, Health Regulation Department would like to extend its gratitude and thankfulness for your continuous cooperation and pledge to all approved rules and regulations, which in turn enable us to achieve the desirable optimum level of health care standards in Dubai.


Thus, kindly refer to the (attached) Ministerial decree no. 1122 regarding rules and codes of principles regulating the classification, prescribing and dispensing of narcotic and semi narcotic drugs.


You are all hereby supposed to adhere to and comply with the mentioned decree rules and regulations in order to avoid any fines or penalties that might be imposed resulting in breaching these codes.

Your co-operation in this is highly appreciated.

kindly refer to the attached decree through the following link:


Supporting Documents:

القرار الوزاري رقم 1122 لسنة 2014 تصنيف الأدوية المخدرة والمراقبة وشبه المراقبة .pdf:

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