
01 February 2017

Licensure Titles Of Physicians & Dentists "Specialist Under Supervision And Registrar"

Reference: CIR-2017-SHN0714



 TO: Healthcare Professionals in Private Sector - Dubai

Further to the resolution of Unified Professional Qualification Requirements (PQR) in UAE (link below) which was applied since October 2014; and following circular No. 43 for the year 2014 about licensing of physicians and dentists with titles “specialist  under supervision” and “registrar" and the need to modify their status to fit the new approved categories:

1.  General Practitioner
2.   Specialist
3.   Consultant

Therefore, it is decided the following:

1.  Physicians and dentists who are licensed as “specialist under supervision” or “Registrar" to be given final grace period till 30/01/2020 to get the required specialty certificate and clinical experience that entitled them for "Specialist” license based on the PQR.

2.  In case the above have not been obtained within the grace period, the license will be changed to General Practitioner.

·  For more details about the Unified Professional Requirements (PQR) kindly refer to the following link:

For more information on this , please refer to the following contact :

Email address:

Telephone nos. (04) 502-2901/2996/4012/4026

for access on the circular 43 please refer to the following link

for full details on the ciruclar 83 please refer to the following link:تعميم%20رقم%2083.pdf

Supporting Documents:

Circular no.(43) specialists under supervision-final 1.pdf:

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