
25 February 2022

Ministerial decree No. 22 for the year 2022 regarding organizing the transportation, storage and distribution of medical products or the raw materials used in their manufacture

Reference: CIR-2022-00000048

To all Health facilities / all health care practitioners in Dubai's private health sector

Referring to the above subject, DHA notifies all health facilities regarding the ministerial decree issued by the MOHAP for perusal and adhere to what is stated


 Ministerial decree No. 22 for the year 2022 regarding organizing the transportation, storage and distribution of medical products or the raw materials used in their manufacture


Thanks in advance for your good co-operation

Drug Control Section

Health Regulation Sector


Supporting Documents:

القرار الوزاري رقم (22) لسنة 2022 بشأن تنظيم عمليات نقل وتخزين وتوزيع المنتجات الطبية أو المواد الخام الداخلة في تصنيعها.pdf:

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