Update CPD Points

This service allows Healthcare Professionals to view, manage and update CPD points required to maintain their Full-time license (The CPD target is based on the Full-time license category: Physicians & Dentists 40 point, Nurses 20 point, Allied Healthcare & TCAM 10 point, Pharmacists 20 point). If the professional overachieves the set target, nothing will be carried forward to next year. However, if the professional underachieves the target, then the professional license cannot be renewed.

Average Processing Time

1 working day

Who Can Apply

    • Licensed Healthcare Professionals (Physicians, Dentists, Allied Healthcare, Nurses/Midwives, Traditional & Complementary & Alternative Medicine)


Required Documents

    • Evidence of attending/completing the claimed CPD activity

Service Steps

    • Fill and submit online application
    • DHA review
    • CPD Points are added to the professional's account

Service Tutorial

Service Channel

    • Sheryan portal
    • DHA mobile app

Related Services

Additional Information

    • Draft applications that are inactive for over 3 months will be cleared from the account. A 15 day reminder will be sent to the registered email.
    • Medical Education and Research Department provides a comprehensive "Electronic Medical Library" that seeks to provide up-to-date collections of Books, Journals, Clinical and Drug Databases, Continuing Medical Education to support all evidence-based Medical Practices which can be accessed through the Link.
    • For support and inquiries, please contact us via info@dha.gov.ae

Service Limitations

    • CPD provider must not be Blacklisted  
    • Professional's account must not be blacklisted, revoked

Approximate Cost
